Its a great school. Professor are always happy to help their students. There's also a lot resources (such as writing center, tutoring, career center) to help students. Its a big campus and you meet new people everyday!
CU Denver is a great place from the campus setting to the multitude of activities. There are so many opportunities to get involved in important things that will create great leaders, i.e., community outreach programs, environmental conservation activities, and political campaign internships. I'm currently involved in a journalism internship with a local street paper, The Denver Voice, which contains articles on local topics including the social issue of homelessness. With this internship I get the benefit of journalism experience and I get to help the for me! All of the positive opportunities provide a great environment for molding community role models. All it takes is effort on the part of the student and my experience at CU Denver says that we have a great student body...
Attending UCD is quite a unique college experience. It does not have a traditional campus, but is built to be part of the city of Denver as opposed to its' own entity. It also doesn't quite run like a traditional college as many things are unconventional compared to other universities. I love this fact about UCD, however many administrative needs such as registration are a hassle and left for the student to figure out for themselves as communication between the school and student about such things can be lacking at best. UCD in whole is pretty unknown even with the great medical, science, and music program (I am a Recording Arts Major). Being so, it is nice because there is no massive amount of prestige from the school but you gain the same education as anywhere else without all of the pointless smugness of "I go to ________ (insert college here)".
I am having an awesomely positive experience at UCD. It's a good sized school, not so large that you're just another number and not so small that they don't offer a high University experience. Class sizes are decent sized, although I have had 3 lecture based courses in theater style rooms that have had 80 to 100 students. People react positively when I say I go to UCD as the University of Colorado Denver in general has a great reputation and the number one scholastic hospital in the nation (Anschutz Medical Center) is part of our system. When not in class, I spend a great deal of time in the Tivoli Student Union - a great historic building with study areas, meeting rooms, food court, theaters, a grand meeting hall and student service offices. I also spend a good deal of time in the North Classroom Atrium, a major epicenter for student activity with a cafe and a coffee shop. Both of these locations have a variety of chairs, tables, couches and even rockers for relaxing in! Another favorite spot is on the lawn in the commons - there's nothing like those awesome Colorado days for passing the time outdoors! One of the best aspects of this school is the diverse student population. Another cool thing is that we are in down town Denver, a really sweet cosmopolitan center. Our biggest controversy is separating our identity from CU Boulder. We are establishing our own academic identity, starting our own sports teams and creating a new mascot and logo. This is a vital move as school pride dictates that we have our own unique identity. One unique aspect of this school is the First Year Seminar program. I am heavily involved in this program mentoring incoming freshman. As most colleges with a First Year program offer either a scholastic based or skills based program, our program offer a mixture of both in order to provide the very best support network for incoming freshman. However, as a mentor, I encourage all of my mentorees to stay in touch with me even after their first year! The experiences I will remember most are the lively class room discussions and my club/student organization activities (UCD has over 160 student clubs/organizations available).