Truckee Meadows Community College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Truckee Meadows Community College?


The type of person that has horrible attendance because there are smaller classrooms and the teachers are there to help you . Having the classrooms smaller gives you the chance for a one on one talk with the teacher if you dont get the material


I cannot think of a single person that should not attend this school. I feel that it suits almost anyone. Everyone should try to expand their education, as well as deserves to. I can say that I am a little older than most, as well as a Marine Corps Combat veteran with eight years of service. I feel that if I can find it accomodating, anyone else should be able to. As an older student with different experiences than most in the class, I have not had a moment where I have felt awkward.


I honestly see this question as ridiculous. It doesn't matter who wants to come to this school. If they are at a college level education and want to attend here, then they darn well should.


The only people that don't belong at TMCC are those that are serving life sentences in prison. Only because they are serving life sentences in prison.


I think everyone should attend a community college before a four-year university because it's cheaper. If someone is looking for a diverse student population, this probably isn't the school for them, and if they cannot afford to live off campus, this probably isn't the school for them because TMCC doesn't have dorms or on campus living.


I think any kind of person should attend this school.


Someone who wants to party


The kind of person who shouldn’t attend this school is someone who is concerned with the status of being associated with a big name school. Students who don’t care about the cost, and just want to go to a big 4 year university obviously should look elsewhere.


Someone who isn't looking to get further in education, or someone who isn't qualified for this school.


Truckee Meadow's is a very diverse school and accepts all kinds of student. I do believe, however, that as students we all have one thing in common and that is that we are driven to succeed. We all strive for something more whether it be better job or education. Students who don't have that drive will probably find themselves bored and uninterested, they shouldn't attend unless they truely want to help themselves.