18 year old self I want to tell you to go directly to college. That there is assistance you can qualify for if you take the time to look. Get to know people in your chosen profession and actively seek out mentors. They will help you along the way and never let anyone tell you that you cannot do something you have set our mind to.
Set a clear path for either a full 4 year university or join the military full time, not just the Guard. Stay focused on the task at hand and not change your path several different time. Look at more of what your interest are instead of the pay day at the end of the program. Choose a path that you will enjoy rather than only looking at the career opportunitys.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school I would say to study hard and apply to a lot of colleges because the more options the better. I would also say to practice good time management skills so there is a lot of time for college work, studying for and taking exams, and time for family and friends.
Throughout my high school years, i was very motivated and driven. Very few times did i miss homework and assignments and the times i did, i would make it up and recieve some credit. However, i was not as confident with my social skills as i was with my academics. From freshman year to senior year, i was very shy with many people in my graduating class. The only people i had good relationships with were my teammates from baseball and other outside sporting activities. I would tell my high school self to not stress over the friends you dont have and enjoy the time with friends you do have. Those years would have been much more enjoyable if i was aware of that.
I would tell myself 2 things. First, invest time into trying to find a school you would like to attend, be it traditional or non traditional. Secondly, I would tell myself that it's okay to not know what it is that you want to do. Making the transition into adulthood is very difficult and the pressure can really weigh you down. Knowing that it's okay to not know what I wanted my life to look like exactly would have relieved alot of the stress in my life. That being said, I would have told myself to get out there and try different things. One of the problems I think lots of people face is not knowing what to do, so they then do nothing. This is a dangerous pattern and one that doesn't lead to a proactive lifestyle. In the end, invest in the time of trying new things and taking the plunge to experience different ideas you have about what you want to do in life. Don't take the back burner and wait for life to happen.
I know you think that you have no idea what you want to be in life, but you just have to shoot for the stars. Take the first thing you think about in the morning and run with it for the whole day. If things work out for you, keep on trying. If things don't work out for you, keep on trying. The only reason you should give up on your dream is if you wake up one day and you realize that you are just plain unhappy with your life, and what you thought was your dream was never really your dream to begin with. Pick a passion, you will love it. Pick a direction, it will bring you far. Happiness won't come from finding the right path for you, it will come from finding happiness on the path you are on. Love yourself and love those around you, this will make you happy.
If I could go back I would say to take more courses in a cheaper community college and then transfer to Thomas Edison. I would also tell mself to work more and save more, which is easier said then done. The simple fact is that college is costly and needs to be saved up for. But it is worth it, I am learning a lot and know it will ultimatley lead me to a great career.
I would say to myself, "Jamie my darling, don't be afraid! Plunge into your future like a duck into his favorite pond!"
Go for high quality education, not just low price or less time. Education isn't just the degree or diploma/piece of paper; it's the wealth of knowledge that you will immerse yourself in.
College is way different than high school. Time management skills are a must.