Thomas Edison State University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Thomas Edison State University?


Anyone who desires to further thier edication in a non-traditional and non classroom setting. Online learning is not for everyone, but allows discussion and learning with a diverse population over a great geographical area.


In order to succeed in a college such as Thomas Edison, you must be very self motivated and driven. One who does not apply themselves to online clases will do poorly on assignments. I know this because i was lazy with my first online class at Mercer Community College. I learned my lesson and understand what it takes to strive in these courses.


Someone who wants higher education that fits with their busy lifestyle. Someone who wants to save money while achieving their goals of higher edution. This school would also be fantastic for that person who doesn't know exactly what they want to do with the rest of their education, but wants to be accomplishing something that will help take them the rest of the way. Taking a with College Plus and earning credits while figuring out what you really want to do is something that can be very beneficial.


someone who can focus on the text book, read and understand it themselves, and is self-motivated


Don't focus too much on making a mistake by choosing your major. Follow your passion. Money doesn't substitue happiness.


The type of person who should consider this school is anyone who wants to complete a degree in a very fast and timely manner. All of my work is done by a) credit by exam b) online courses or c) corrospondance coursework. So, if you are looking for a true college campus experience this school may not be for you, but if you are a parent, fulltime worker or extremely focused student than this may be just the right fit.