Thomas Edison State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Thomas Edison State University? Why?


Time from application to start, poo communication


It can be difficult sometimes to get in touch with your professor since you do not have the opportunity to just walk up to the front after class to talk to him. This is not unique to Thomas Edison, however, as all online classes have this limitation. They mitigate this by being active on the forums to answer your questions before you even ask them. This is the worst part because sometimes I just need an answer right now and I can't get it.


Because of the distance between TESC and Ft Wayne IN, if there were difficulties I that needed to be taken care of, I wouldn't be able to go into the office and sort it out with an actual person. Phone conversations seem to be rerouted to someone I've never talked to before and I have to explain my situation to a new person every time I get on the phone.


Not feeling like the students come first.