Yale University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Yale University accurate?


I've never heard a Yale stereotype that made me wince (although I can't say the same for singing group auditions!). Beginning in the early 80s, Yale became a place where LGBT people felt comfortable coming out and pulling together, and that legacy remains a source of pride for all civil rights-minded alumni. But The Gay Thing is just one example of what the Breast and the Bite-est - no, the Brightest and the Shiniest - or whatever it's called - can produce.


Some of them... but there are a lot of people who don't fit the stereotypes. Also, the preppy, old-money thing is not that big. If anything, rich new york hipster types are a much bigger presence.


For the most part, no. There certainly are competitive kids, but public opinion largely discourages this. It's seen as not "cool" to be competitive and obnoxious about one's intelligence level. The prevailing opinion is, "we're all smart, or else we wouldn't be here".


There are some people like that everywhere. We call them "section a**holes". But I'd say at least 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the people here are so grounded that they are amazed they even got in. Yalies come from all over the world and have so many great experiences that sitting down over lunch with any one of them is usually astounding. We love each other and Yale, and like to show it. We are an amazingly friendly bunch of people.

PoliSci gal

Some stereotypes -- that Yalies are very smart and ambitious -- are very true. However, Yalies are also incredibly down to earth; I have come across very few snobby or pretentious people, and actually have been amazed to find how friendly and fun everyone is.


Not at all. There are generally more people better off financially than those that are not, but there is tremendous diversity here. People come from all over the place, wear all kinds of clothes and are into all kinds of random activities. Very few people are stuck-up or antisocial- people are very smart, but they also love to have fun and party.




In some ways yes; it depends on the person. Not everyone is smart academically, and not everyone is socially inept.


Yes, this is true.

