Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


It would have been awesome to know how important it is to join clubs and get involved with the school. I didn't join student organizations till last semester and they truely are a great way to meet people.


That I wasn't going to need my car. I come from a more rural community where one couldn't really "walk" anywhere one always needed to drive there and so I thought it was going to be the same here but it turns out that its not as everything is within walking distance and if not then there is plenty of public transportation to get you where you need to go without paying the outrageous parking subscriptions.


I wish I knew the campus was going to be this diverse. VCU is incredibly diverse; not just racially or ethnically, there are people here from all age groups, from all walks of life. Its mostly nice and exposes the students to different experiences that one might not find at other campus.


I wish I had known ahead of time that your GPA gets more resilient to change as you progress throughout the years. As a freshman, you can get caught up in new extracurricular activities, new friends, and parties, causing students to lose focus and not dedicate enough time to schoolwork. I partied more than I needed to freshman year, making my job much harder. After regaining focus by my sophomore year, my GPA rose but it was much harder than it had to be if I had only focused from the beginning.


I wish that I had known more about student debt and how loans work. In highschool there is a huge pressure to work really really hard to get into the best school possible. I'm sure that there are benifits to going to a top tier school, but those kids are going to graduate with so much student debt. Now that I am in college the pressure is to get the best return investment. This knowlege would have saved me a lot of stress about the future.


I wish i had more information on financial resources. As an out of state student and loosing financial resources from my family at the end of my freshman year, i wish there were more programs or waivers for students that dont meet the usual requirements posted on the school website.


Prior to coming to this school, I wish I had known more about graduation requirements, and the various hoops students have to jump for in order to earn financial aid. This school did a poor job of informing students on the ways that majors and minors work, and the advisors seem to know no more than the students do when it comes to complicated questions. Google offers more help than the advisors, truly.


I wish I had known more abour study abroad opportunities.


I wish I knew that I was allowed to hang up posters in my room using thumbtacks.


I wish I would have applied sooner.