Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Virginia Commonwealth University?


Anyone xenophobic, racist, homophobic, lazy or intolerant of progressive ideals. We are tolerant at this school.


Students who shouldn't attend VCU are those who need a bit more direction. Students should not attend VCU if they are highly unreliable because there are many distractions. If one doesn't enjoy variety then this university probably isn't the right place for them. VCU is not for weak minded individuals or those who tend to follow the crowd.


Students who prefer a calm and "private school" type environment probably would not enjoy VCU's rambunctious spirit. VCU is a place for all people, but not those who don't enjoy thinking creatively.


Someone who thinks that the classes are easy and not a lot of work is needed to pass and succeed in school.


Although VCU is great, it's definitely not for the faint of heart; especially for art majors. AFO is quite difficult. This school is not recommended for those who want to only put in half the effort into their projects thinking they will get by. They won't. This school forces you to push yourself, requiring you to stay up all night to work on a project if needed. You must have ambition to make it through, not luck.


If you are a student that does not like big campus's in an urban setting, VCU probably isn't the school for you. VCU is an open campus and very spread out, so if you're looking for something sheltered away from the general public then VCU is not ideal. VCU is very diverse, so if you are not interested in meeting people from all over the world then VCU is not a good match. If you don't like huge classes (espcially for the lowerclassmen years) then VCU is not the school for you.


Those who may not want to attend Virginia Commonwealth University are those who are more of the quiet urban settings and are more comfortable with being in a large open campus without a whole lot of sourroundings. Those who are not really used to walking along the streets and through crowds but rather avoid as many people as possible and who are not really into hanging out with large groups or teams, also may not want to attend this school.


People who don't want to work hard for what they want, people who can't balance social life and academic life and people who are not accepting of all personal decisions made by people around them.


Viriginia Commonwealth University really is a school for just about everyone. The university prides itself on its diversity, from students to staff, and I would have to agree. Everyday when I walk around campus I see all different kinds of students. However, a person who is not dedicated to their studies is not one who should attend VCU. From art students to business student VCU requires extensive hours devoted to school work to ensure that all their students become great in their area of study. A student who is not willing and dedicated doesn't belong at Virginia Commonwealth University.


A person that is not open minded and tolerant of other cultures and ideas different from their own should not attend this school.