Vanderbilt University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Vanderbilt University?


Northerners: Wealthy from NY NJ MA CT or PA, intend to return back to the North. Party Hard. Jewish Southerners: Wealthy preppy "good ol'boy and southern belle" types. Don't party as hard. Very "country club"


rich, snobby, arrogant


Vandy students are filthy rich, arrogant, elitist douche bags/douchettes. All the girls have eating disorders and care way too much about outward appearance. All the guys are lucky to walk on the same ground as the much-too-attractive female students. Vandy students are smart.


They are all Greek and preppy, with access to Daddy's credit card and a love of labels.


That everyone is southern, that everyone's an evangelical Christian, that there is a lot of 'Old Money' on campus, that you have to go Greek to have a life, that everyone drinks a lot, that it's easy to get A's


Vanderbilt in general is an all around quality school. From Monday morning math tests to Friday night Frat parties, Vanderbilt seems to have a lot going on; at least that is what I encountered during my four lovely years there. The stereotypes people hear about Vanderbilt are usually heard before one arrives on campus as a Freshman or from outsiders you meet along the way. And like most stereotypes some have stretched the truth a little. A few stereotypes that I will touch on are: A) Super Hot Girls, B) Dressing Up for Football Games, C) Wild Crazy Party Scene... Let me begin. Everyone you come across and drop the Vandy name too will many a time reply "Oh cool, lot of hot girls down there huh?" and too which you reply "Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about." But in the back of your mind you are really thinking "Yeah there are some real hot blonds, buttttt there are many more average looking girls than the American Public doesn't know about, making them the American Public." This isn't a very important point, but something that should aired while the opportunity shows itself. NEXT! It's fall time and time for football. Always a good part of the year for any young co-ed; who doesn't drinking to extreme and pondering the idea of a football in their mind while shotgunning another beer? I did/do! Home games are always a blast at Vanderbilt, people are just generally happier. But with this happiness comes another STEREOTYPE, dressing up for football games. Granted I did it myself a few times, but after a while it became old and seemed a bit silly. There is a lot of "tradition" in the idea and I assume many people think it makes them classy, but in my opinion slugging down PBR and the cheapest Whiskey you can buy ar FrugalMacdougals DOES NOT classify as classy. Although. i say if it makes you happy and you have a better Saturday for it, then go right ahead brother and rock that Vineyard Vines and Country Club Vodka! Wow, I've already wrote too much, so on the third note a.k.a C), the party scene is fun, but the administration is cracking down so FUCK THEM. Make the kids sign waivers or something, just let us party harty, it's COLLEGE!


Vanderbilt students dress very nice everywhere they go and a lot of them are very wealthy. People think that if you go to Vanderbilt you must be very smart and are usually very impressed. Vanderbilt also has a reputation as a school that is very big on partying/drinking and is full of beautiful women.


That they are all really rich smart kids who like to party a lot. It used to be a Southern school but now they are recruiting heavily from the North to get the smart kids but they instead just get the kids from the North who want to party in the South.


The most common stereotype is that we are all rich, racist, elitist Southerners who are where because of our parents' wallets and not because of our own personal accomplishments.


There are a lot of stereotypes about Vanderbilt and Vanderbilt students. The biggest is that it is a very southern school, where all of the girls are blonde southern belles with pearls. It also is looked at as a very wealthy school, where most of the people are stuck up.