The fact that it is a commuter campus so PLEASE don't not bring a car. Everything closes early on the weekend/are not even open so its practically a ghost town on the weekend, so for someone who wants fun stuff to do, UofMemphis is not your place.
I haven't experienced anything that I dislike about the University of Memphis since I have been here.
Some of the buildings are outdated and falling apart while other buildings on campus look new and vibrant.
The worst thing about the University of Memphis is the atmosphere of the campus. The University of Memphis presents a do what you what to do when you want to do it atmosphere. There is no real guidance or direction. Although administration and professors tell you whats right, the campus vibe still presents itself as being independant and rebellious. Incoming students with strict values will have a hard time sticking to what they know if they dont connect with a group or person with the same values. Students who don't will be prone to rebel even more.
The University of Memphis is known for its large numbers of commuter students. If you plan to commute, you must get here extra early to make sure you have a parking space and get to class on time. All of the parking is on the exterior of campus, is hard to access, and is a pain for visitors. Unless you are an employee or student at the University of Memphis, there is no free parking. One parking lot is also across train tracks and nine times out of ten you will get stopped by a train.
So far, the worst thing about University of Memphis is math courses. Now that I know all the campus resources, I will use them to help me for my harder courses. I know I hate attending tutoring, but I really need it. For this, I will talk with my math teacher to see how I am doing. Hopefully, things will run smoothly, and my semester will end on a good note. In addition, I have maintained a perfect attendance also. Yet, I am still experiencing a few problems in math, but I’m going to attend tutoring to improve it.
The school doesn't go out of its way to provide fun social activies or extracurricular programs for students who are not athletes or in the Greek system.
the parking and traffic. Too many students, not enough parking spaces.
The willingness to help from advisors, I have been told so many different things from quite a few different advisors its like they don't really want you to graduate. Example two semester ago I meet with my advisor and she told me what classes I needed to sign up for, I took those classes and come to find out they were the wrong classes and can only count as an elective which I already had all my electives. Very dissapointing.