University of Memphis Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Memphis.


I do not know my classmates personally, so from interaction with them in class, I think they are pretty nice so far.


the classmates that I have had the pleasure of interacting with have been nothing short of intriguing; I have learned so much.


My classmates were very enthusiastic and passionate about the course taken and expressed a real interestsin excelling academically. We participated and assisted one another in projects and presentations. It is all about teamwork and effort..


Very religious, conservative


My classmates are a varied group of people, with different interests, backgrounds, personaities, and levels of academic commitment.


My classmates are very friendly and helpful.


My classmates at the University of Memphis are unique, excepting, and very kind.


My classmates all have different personalities, but they share the same focus in passing their classes.


Goal focused students who are willing to work together to get the job done that they need to get done. Most of my classmates will group together and form groups of friends which will co-ordinate classes together to stay in study groups.


I take classes with people who are soft spoken at times but who are willing to participate in classroo discussions.