The class size. My smallest class last semester held 250 students. i felt like some of the professors were just there to read the notes they had prepared and leave. i would sit in the lectures and look around to see some of the students on their phones or surfing the web on thier computers and the professors didnt care one way or the other.
The worst thing about UB would be the weather. Walking from the dorms to class in freezing snow is not something you will ever get used to. I always have to make sure to have on plenty of layers.
Although I am generally a fan of the large size of my school, it can also lead to issues, such as certain professors showing apathy towards student success.
Advisors. Sometimes they don't know what they are doing. They don't guide you to the right path that you need. They just feel obligated because it's their job. They need to hire better advisors who enjoy helping students and making it their passion.
Some professors could be inconsistent with classroom performance. Out of several professors, I might have had 2 or 3 professors that showed a lack of interest in maintaining, assisting, and properly assessing student work.
I can't think of anything that I would consider not liking about my school.
There isn't really anyone that hovers over you, unless a great professor takes to you, to make sure you are signing up for the courses you need to graduate and compliment your major - this can be hard for people that are undecided in the first two years. There isn't much information readily available about internships or scholarships. If you want to meet people, you really have to join clubs, but there wasn't much information about when or where they meet. With very thing built up, it is not a particularly pretty campus. On-campus housing is scarce.
The worst thing I consider is the fact that because we are located further upstate, winters get really bad. Due to expected amounts of snow, a lot of times school is not cancelled.
not enough asians, why because they are so smart.
The worst thing about this school is probably commuting in the cold weather and snow. Most classes are in the Northern Campus and to travel up to them and get there on time is brutal. The shuttle buses start to run even slower then before so waking up early enough to catch it is a given.