The most frustrating about Northwestern for me was the perceived divide socializing between the northern and southern parts of campus. Housing in not centralized, and is clustered in the northern and southern parts of the Evanston campus. This creates an artificial barrier, and plays a role in the friends you make. Obviously this can be avoided by being outgoing, but as an undergrad this can be difficult for some. The lack of a quality student center also exacerbates the issue, and there is a need for more universeity-sponsored activities.
The most frustrating thing about Northwestern University is the high tuition costs. Though I am incredibly lucky to have an opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive in such an enriching environment, the financial situation puts a strain on my life and on that of my family's. Passing up an exciting social event is just a minor short-run consequence of having to make financial ends meet, but not being able to study as much as I'd like is an unfortunate additional stress and loss of potential learning such an incredible opportunity comes with.
Northwestern is too big for me.
The schoolwork can be overwhelming..the school is very competitive. Everyone works very hard.
The most frustrating thing about Northwestern is one of aspects I find most enjoyable at school . Every student here has such talent, ambition, and motivation that it can often be hard to stand out or feel like you are really making a difference. The trick is to harness your own passions, and work with others to achieve success.
The expense of tuition is very frustrating because in these economic times it puts more of a toll on my parents. Even though I receive finanicial aid, my family and I still have to scrap together money to afford this school.
The amount that some people study and the amount that some professors expect students to study. If I studied as much as my classes and some peers expect me to, I wouldn't sleep and wouldn't have ever met other people.
Most aspects of my school are really wonderful. The main thing that can be frustrating is the distance between buildings that are related to each other and share a lot of classes. There are two different music buildings that are about 10 minutes away from each other.
that i dont get financial aid
We are on the quarter system, so sometimes it's hard to really delve into a subject; I think the semester system is more beneficial.