Northeastern State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


The course schedules are fairly limited, which can conflict with working full-time.


I wish I had know more about how the housing and meal plans worked, no one really explains that to you so you just have to figure out where other restuarants and things besides the cafe are.


To not worry about making friends, you are going to meet amazing people. That being on the Speech and Debate team here will open so many doors for you and your future. This town is so beautiful and there are so many wonderful discoveries you are going to make, stop stressing out about money and time, you don't have plenty of either but you have a great support system, and people and advisors that care about you and your future.


More educational options.


If i could have known anything before going into this semester I wish I would have realized that I needed to do what I wanted with my future not what others wanted me to do. I would have chosen what I wanted to do. I realize now that I would have done better my first semester if I wanted to be where I am. So do what you want to do even if it is risky.


In the campus that I attend, there are a lot of non traditional students. It also requires a lot of work to obtrain a teaching degree and a lot of patience.


I wish that I had known that college was going to be so much fun! When I first started I was so nervous. My graduating class had only 28 students in it. I was worried that the classes were going to be very big and were going to be extremely difficult. But as soon as I got started I made several new friends, and everyone there is so nice. As for the classes as long as you pay attention and study you'll do just fine.


I have no good answer to this question. This school has treated me very well and I've enjoyed every minute there.


I wish that I had known what I was getting into! My major (music education) is very time consuming. It is certainly doable and there's nothing I'd rather do, but I was suprised at how much work is put into it. Since I had to start my major courses immediately, it's been no walk in the park!


I wish I would have known more people here and that academics at this university are tougher than most people suggest.