Middle Tennessee State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Middle Tennessee State University? Is this stereotype accurate?


I would have to say that I do not know of a stereotype that is said about the students that attend my university. Only because we have such a variety among our student body. People from all over the world come to be apart of MTSU which in turn leaves us with no stereotype at all.


Greek students tend to have the typical stereotype at my school. This stereotype being that they are rich,spoiled students who spend their time "partying". This stereotype is far from the truth. Greek students actually on average have a higher GPA than non greek affiliated students, and these social fraternities have academic standards that they hold their members to. Also, greek students are very involved in their community, providing hours of community service every semester. Social fraternities provide students with many opportunities in their community, as well as multiple leadership opportunities.


A stereotype of students at Texas Southern University is that we are party animals. Truth is many parties are advertised by students on campus, but only a few students actually do attend. Most students make ample time for studies.


The stereotype of students at my school is that TSU students are hard-working, hip, urban social climbers who thoroughly enjoy athletic and academic life on campus and on into our careers - and YES! the stereotype is true. We love to have fun and look professional as we study and train our bodies and minds. We are jocks, geeks, frats, and trendsetters!


Our school is so diverse that I believe we do not have a stereotype. In most colleges it is either the college with the awesome football team, or the "smart college". MTSU is a great school in that it does not reflect on a certain aspect. It provides everything for everyone.


The stereotype at my school is that our level of education cannot match that of non-HBCU campuses - we are seen as inadequate and less-than.


Middle Tennessee State is a very diverse campus. We are the largest undergraduate university in Tennessee with over 25,000 students each with their own personalities and interests. There is no way to categorize them all. At the same time, you will not get lost in a sea of faces. There are many clubs and groups to join that are associated with your major or other interests outside of the classroom. Most teachers will learn your name, and the class sizes are fairly small for the most part, so although it will seem a little overwhelming at first, you are sure to find your place at MTSU.


Well the stereotypes of this school vary by where you are coming from. In Williamson county (Tennessee) the kids who didn't make the best grades went to MTSU. Everywhere else it is known as a great school for Recording Industry. I'm glad the stereotypes are good everywhere else because this school is great and deserves a great reputation.


At MTSU, there are students who are very involved on campus with sports, sororities and fraternities, and school events like Homecoming. There are many more who are not involved on campus. The stereotype is that MTSU is a "suitcase college" where the majority of students are uninvolved and not living on or near campus. This is NOT TRUE. Murfreesboro is filled with college housing and apartments, the majority of which are lived in year round by students of MTSU. MTSU students can easily get involved on campus and with campus activities and organizations!


Middle Tennessee State University has such a wide range of students that there are many stereotypes represented. If you take a walk through campus you'll pass various sections of the school each containing a major specific stereo type as well as extra curricular stereo types within. For instance. If you walk past the Mass Comm building you will see on the bike rack tons of fixed gear bikes which notify you that your in hipster land which is a primary stereo type of the mass comm college. They are also known as "fixies". Mass Comm is a huge department so there are alot of these. These people wear plaid, ride a fixed gear bike, they like skinny jeans and own nice cameras. Then you pass the business and aerospace building and you will run into alot of your typical "frat kids". Science hall contains your "geeks". But really there is no truly dominant group which is one of the things I love about the school. There's art kids, bass heads, greek freaks, nerds, blacks, whites, asians, song writers, and athletes in there all blue jump suits.