Johnson & Wales University-Providence Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


The only thing I wish I had known about coming to this school was how the classes are taught. Because we work in trimesters, the classes are very fast paced, where beforehand I did classes in semesters, where they were slightly slower. However at this time I have now adjusted to the pace of the courses.


How truly beautiful the school and surrounding area looked.


I honestly feel like i knew everything i needed to know before I came into this school. They informed me with all the important information i needed befor emy first day of classes.


I wish I knew how fast paced the courses were.


That the feild hockey team wasent a team and was a varisity club and that if you have any culinary experience labs will bore you to death and you will learn nothing.


The only thing I wish I could change before coming to Johnson & Wales was to have more experience with jobs relating to my major.


I wish I had known the quality of the different dorms available to me. Although I ended up with a good dorm, several of my friends were stuck in very bad dorms away from the main campus.


That there were more services and extra help out there that I did not now about. I would have also liked to now about the study abroad programs earlier that way I could have planned to study abroad next year but I do not think that will work out now.


I wish I had known how expensive it is to live in Providence.


Currently there is nothing i wished i'd known before i came to Johnson & Wales University.