Johnson & Wales University-Providence Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Johnson & Wales University-Providence?


There isn't a particular type of person that shouldnt go here, per-say. The only people that would come to mind would be unenthusiastic people with little motivation because without motivation and enthusiasm it would be hard to go to class and work towards their degrees. This school offers a lot to students and is growing every year with new programs.


The people that shouldn't attend Johnson & Wales university are the people that can not commit to what they really want to pursue. They really want to go there for something they really love most. They should be a mature adult knowing what is to come from JWU.


I would recommend Johnson and Wales University to any student!


The type of person who shouldn't attend Johnson & Wales is a person who wants to party their trimesters away. JWU is very serious about maintaining a 3.0 GPA, and if you are more concerned with partying you will surely get behind in your studies and fail out. JWU can be pretty leinient but they know when students aren't trying and just partying away. Since JWU is a dry campus, if you have intentions of drinking like crazy you may want to reconsider. You only get 3 strikes and depending on the circumstance, you may only get one.


A shy, withdrawn person who dislikes cities.


A person who is academicly driven but also wants to be able to enjoy the college experience and have a little fun. The best of both worlds type thing.


A person who should not attend Johnson and Wales University is someone looking for a party school and who is not serious about their future and/or what they would like to do in life.


If you do not plan on striving for the best you can do, this school is not really for you. At Johnson & Wales, it is not about doing THE best, but rather, doing YOUR best. Professors and Chefs watch you to see what potential you may possess and if you are not striving to reach your full potential, the professors and chefs will absolutely see that.


People who want easy way "out" should not attend Johnston and Wales University. The school is dedicated to give you great education and you have to be commited and take education very serious.


Anyone wanting to have the full college experience. The degree programs are very limited.