Glendale Community College-Glendale, AZ Top Questions

What should every freshman at Glendale Community College-Glendale, AZ know before they start?


I would tell myself to have more confidence. College is intimidating (especially when niether of your parents went to college). I would encourage myself to not hold back and take on any opportunity GCC offers me.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self, I would most definitely give myself some very helpful advice. I would encourage myself to apply for scholarships early, I'd advise to take all my college credit classes more seriously, and to apply to university. I would tell myself to be less lazy because I am going to regret my decisions when I'm looking to transfer and I would tell myself to take advantage of the high school advisors, that way I wont be stuck and completely lost in the future. I would strongly recommend taking action instead of waiting and seeing what comes to me, and I would not let myself depend on other people for help and support. I'd like to tell my high school self how alone I'm going to be in the future and how much more difficult it is to find ways to pay for school when I could have been getting help from teachers and guidance counselors. I would tell myself to make sure I don't end up in a position where Im on my own.


College isn't as scary as everyone makes it out to be. Try your best. APPLY APPLY APPLY for scholarships. You can never apply too much. It will help you out in the long run. Also, it is okay if you don't know what you want to do. No one is certain. Life is a learning process. Colleges have a program and people to talk to, to help decide where you would be a great fit. Just, don't freak out. College is high school for adults. Simple as that.


If I could go back and tell my high school self one thing it would be to never give up! Never listen to what other people say to you and just do what makes you happy. I was told I would never get the opportunity to go to college and I let those words hold me back. It took me seven years, after high school, to finally say enough is enough. I will no longer listen to everyone else and I am done giving up on my dreams, my future, and who I am. You don't have to please the rest of the world, you only have to live to make yourself happy. If you have the opportunity to better your life and your situation, then do it and never give up!


Assuming I could go back and give my naive high school self some valuable advice, I would tell myself to not be afraid of change and the future ahead. As obvious as that might sound, my high school self has always dreaded the future, mainly because I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Planning out the rest of my life at seventeen was intimidating. In order to hide behind my fear and insecurities I eluded answering that infamous question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" What I've come to realize as I make the transition to college, is that all I needed was to let go of my fear of an uncertain future because everything will fall into place as long as I have the ambition and determination to succeed. One thing I quickly learned is that college offers an immense amount of programs that attract an array of interests. There is a field of study for everyone and finding my niche in life was waiting for me. So high school self, don't shy away from the future because it's uncertain, embrace what it has to offer.


Happiness is among the few things in life that cannot be bought. Knowing what I know now I would go back in time and tell myself to develop a belief system and goals that are big picture. Throughout my journey I've learned that believeing in yourself and investing in yourself will make you richer than any amount of money ever can. It doesn't have to be complicated. You don't have to figure out every single thing or every step along the way. But if you believe in yourself and what you are capable of, you will have a big picture plan. Several years ago I began training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu because people bullied me too much, and I couldn't handle it anymore. Through martial arts I have discovered what it means to truly believe in myself. During competition I'd be so nervous, but I remembered that all of the preparation was over, and it was time to believe in myself. All in all, belieiving in myself would be the advice I'd give my high school self.


I would advise myself that not to worry the things that will hapen in college. There is a huge variety of students that there is not just young students as me but there are older students who are taking other courses for their other major. You will enjoy the school because you are enganging to learn new thing in a tranquil environment.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to focus on applying more scholarships. Instead of staying after school to hang out with friends, go to the library and apply online for scholarshps. I would also tell myself to do more community service, take some time from the weekend and go voulenteer somewhere, therefore you can have more community service hours and it will look good on scholarshps while you help the community. I would also tell myself, get atleast two honor classes and get stright A's, so you can bring your up your grade point average to get the presidental scholarship for a community college.


The internet is my greatest frenemy. Resisting its siren's spell of procrastination requires a strong resolve. A little self control can turn it into a productivity boosting miracle. Being a better student is about working with your fellow classmates to master new concepts. Skype is a great tool for group study where distance isn't a factor and sessions can be held anytime of day or night. I've held study sessions with friends from other universities taking a similar course. I have lost/forgotten/broken my fair share of traditional flash drives. Google Drive ensures that my school files are secure and always accessible when I need them. It also makes sharing school materials fast and easy. The college life does not always guarantee a reliable sleep schedule; yet, sleep is crucial to academic success. It directly affects my productivity, motivation, and focus. My bedtime can vary throughout the school week, especially when balancing school with work. A sleep calculator like can help calculate the best times to wake up in the morning to feel the most refreshed and alert. Technology is an incredible learning utility. The importance is in how you use it.


If I could travel back to my senior year with the interests I have now, I would say, "You still need to attend Glendale Community College; it is a great place there and you will make some awesome friends. However, change your major; you would waste less money and spare the drama!"