Georgia Southern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Georgia Southern University know before they start?


I would advise my former self to apply for every scholarship known to man no matter the amount. I would suggest that I always stay in contact with former teachers as they could also assist in helping you understand the average college curriculum.


I would tell myself three things. One: Study for my test at least two days before the test. Waiting to study for a test the night before is not a good habit to get into. It may have worked in high school, but it won't in college. Two (in relation to one): Do not procrastinate, especially on essays. This will only lead to an immense amount of stress and it will negatively effect your grades on the assignments and in the class. Three: If you have to choose between school and social life, lean more towards the studious side. The grades you receive are permanent while your social life will constantly change. There are plenty of opportunities for you to go out and party-- it is college.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships and focus less on how my classmates were doing in their courses. Honestly, I should have paid more attention to myself instead of being so preoccupied with other people's successes that I missed the deadlines for most opporotunities that I could have had. I also would have cared less about my social life, since I should have known I was leaving most of my classmates behind. Right now I've completely lost contact with most of the people I went to high school with simply because we don't have time to talk to each other. I would have concentrated more on family and figuring out what I wanted to do in life, since even only halfway through my first semester of college I've changed my major twice from what I thought I wanted during high school, which wouldn't have happened if I had paid more attention to my own skills instead of what my friends were doing.


I would tell myself that I need to go into college undeclared because going in declared messed me up. I would also tell myself to form better study habits and that i need to continue to work as hard as I did in high school. That I need to get involved in clubs and other organizations on campus. I need to be doing things to build my resume as soon as possible.


Attending a small school in central Georgia, I learned to cherish my classmates as if they were my brothers. As the years progressed and college was no longer just a distant idea, we would discuss for hours what this new step in our lives was going to entail. College acceptances came back and those whom I had lived right down the street from for my entire life were now going to be attending various colleges around the country. We coined the term NSD- “Nervous, Scared, Depressed”. We were Nervous of what the upcoming experience would be, Scared of the challenges ahead of us, and Depressed to be leaving our childhood friends and the town we loved so much. If I could talk to my high school self, I would change this negative phrase to “New, Stimulate, Direction”. College is New, both positive and negative experiences that truly Stimulate your mind, helping you to overcome obstacles. It provides Direction for you to learn what you truly value in life. It is more than four years away from home and friends; it changes you, molds you, and helps you to determine what purpose you serve in the world.


Take high school seriously. Study harder because you will need to have that foundation for your first year of classes. Take your first two years of classes seriously once you get into college. When professors see your dedication, it opens doors later on down the road. Respect the professors' time and read the syllabi and grading rubric before turning in assignments because that will help you to better understand what the professors are really wanting from you. Also, read the textbooks and research your questions before asking your professors. Try to understand the material before going to class to prevent asking questions that the books answer, which also helps you better understand what is going on in class. Learn how to understand concepts instead of memorizing facts because that is what sticks with you as you progress from freshman, to sophmore, to junior, to senior. Keep in mind that researching, writing, and completing projects takes double the amount of time that you originally think. Finally, do not waste your time while you are there. Maximize the time between classes to study and work on projects ahead of time to prevent having to stay up all night to to these things.


I would tell myself as a high school senior to not go back into my old habits that I was set into during high school. This time sets your future career and no one will be able to help you turn around from your mistakes. It also costs you a lot from your pocket and time when you put the effort you need in coursework. It feels much better to get an A grade, rather than just passing through with a C. I would also tell myself to explore into different careers and participate in some volunteer work. Now I don't have the time that I would like to "try out different careers". Every moment now is spent working and trying to pay bills instead of trying to figure out what career would be best for me. Its much easier when you don't have so many responsibilities.


Considering all the transitions and complications I have experienced throughout my senior year of high school, I would say that I now have a lot of handy tips for the "old me". Tip number one: no procrastination. Procrastination is a horrible habbit for anyone; it's easy to get off track, but it is critical to stay focused. If you keep putting things off until the last minute, you will stress over assignments and you will be rushed to finish them. In the end, lack of time does not allow you to think to your full ability. Tip number two: sign up for more scholarships earlier. Scholarships are awarded all the time, even at the beginning of senior year. Get off that tush and get ahead of the game! Everything counts and receiving just one scholarship could help pay for books, tuition, or other educational expences. To arm any future college student with this information would be enlightening for them.


Go to New Student Orientation – This is the fastest way to get information on college resources. Time Management – Understand that taking 15 credit hours is equivalent to a full-time job. Plan on spending 2-3 hours of time on coursework outside of the classroom for each hour spent inside the classroom. Take Initiative – Ask questions, seek help, attend every class, get to know your professors and follow your degree plan. Self Reflectio


If I went back in time to give any advice to my high school self, it would be to "Keep a positive mind set. The mind is the most powerful tool in the world because everything you see before you was in someone's mind before it came into reality. In fact everything you do is first proceeded by a thought, and then it becomes an action. Scientists proven that your thoughts are real because they cause biological and physiological effects. Your body responds to mental input as if it were physically real. Moreover you can use your mind to think good or bad things. In high school my thoughts would limit myself; my mind was literally trapped in a box. But now I'm telling you thinking optimistic can unlock your potential, and thinking pessimistic will block your potential. If you want to be class president go ahead! If you want to join the basketball team, you can do it! If you see a girl you like, then you go and get her! ' You can do anything if you set your mind to it!' Finally stay away from negative people because they will lower your mind to their level."