Eastern Kentucky University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Eastern Kentucky University?


The diversity of socioeconimic status of the student who go here. The ability for me to participate in so many different activites and still handle my coursework.


Eastern Kentucky University is a school where you see the same familiar faces throughout your day on campus. Everyone knows eachother which makes you feel more welcome and like you belong here. Having a great staff and faculty throughout campus makes it easy and fun to earn your college education. Being an athlete myself, I love to brag about how great our sports teams are. They give their all and are proud to represent us as a university and as a Colonel.


The thing I would brag about most are the GURUS we have on campus. They are tutors that are flexible in several different subjects and they are located in three different locations on campus. They can also be accessed online!


Small classes


It is a great school with many people to get along with. I love the sports, campus life, and the education that I'm recieving here at Eastern and would never change my mind about choosing this place.


good Criminal Justice program


about how the school gives me a chance to be who i want to be and gives me the best chance to succeed in lilfe.


When I brag about my school, I always mention how affordable EKU is. Their tuition is a great balance between getting a great education and actually getting to live on a campus. Before I found Eastern Kentucky I was worried that I might have to go to a community college and then transfer. Eastern made it possible for me to afford a college I really love.


The Criminal Justice program.


The parties and the lack of difficulity in courses.