The person who would feel suffocated in a small town. While there are some things to do off campus (movie theater, hiking, ect.) The towns surrounding Clemson are very small and fo not have a lot going on. Someone who is used to a big city feel, or who wants that, would probably be miserable way out here in upstate South Carolina.
The kind of person I would suggest not attend would be one that is not openminded. While Clemson does not have a particularly diverse population, I have definitely seen diversity increase as my time here continues. Diversity is a big issue at Clemson and not something that needs to be prohibited, but rather encouraged. Also, those in dire need of financial aid might should not attend unless granted many scholarships. Coming from a low-income family I can attest for the struggle that comes from attending Clemson and the stress of wondering how I am going to pay each semester.
Someone who is not willing to work hard and take advantage of great opportunities should not attend Clemson. Faculty involvement in the student body is only part of what makes Clemson so great. The student body is exceptional. They are the reason Clemson has become the greatest school in South Carolina. All the opportunities presented must be taken advantage of in order for students to reap the many benefits offered by Clemson. Willingness to work hard is critical to attendance at Clemson.
Students that want to be in the middle of a major city and a school that reflects that.
Anyone who has hard time making friends. It can be difficult to find a group to be a part of.
Someone who has no interest in athletics, tailgating, etc. Clemson is a southern university so much of the social activity revolves around those things. There are other alternatives and not everyone is sports-crazy, but if you are looking for a more "liberal arts" experience, Clemson is not the place for you.
As we are surrounded by vagabonds on our daily walk to campus everyday, Berkeley, for any student, is an experience of its own. Being a close-minded person that chooses to live a normal, self-benefitting life is far from the typical student that should attend Cal. Rather, an ideal Cal student should have a zest for wanting to positively impact our society towards progress. This one quality and whatever that indvidual's talents may be will allow that student to truly grasp everything Cal has to offer and utilize everything they have learned to become a impactful person society.
People who should not attend my school are people who aren't going to give there all to succeed in classes.
The kind of person that should attend this school would have to very focused. You must also be a sociable individual, because you will definitely use your social skills in all of your courses.
Students who are not willing to challenge themselves academically, and who do not want to broaden their cultural/socail/academic knowledge base.