Clemson University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Clemson University?


1. A stereotype of Clemson students is that they are not very intelligent. Some people think that a University based on an Agricultural education does not stress academics very strongly. 2. Another stereotype is that Clemson students are very involved in student affairs and events.


That they are very clicky in terms of racial groups.


nice, bright people


Greek Life and football games


that we like orange (the color, i mean. not the fruit though i like the fruit myself, too).


party school, wild students, hard to get in


Some stereotypes about Clemson (whether or not they are true is up for debate) are that the students are full of themselves because of the fact that they go to Clemson, they party too much, the school is very conservative.


White kids Party school Football crazy


Some stereotypes about Clemson include the fact that it is a prestigious school, and that the students are all very spirited and tight knit. The student body is like a giant family, and we are all very excited to be at Clemson all the time.


We are country and stuck in the moo and dairy school that has a hard time competing with the other schools in the country on all levels. We are one of the best schools for engineering and science in the land. We have a big sense of community and look out for each other.