Football, Basketball, and Soccer are the biggest events for student life in my opinion. I'm a huge fan of Clemson's athletics.
The most popular student groups here at Clemson are the intamural sports with every group like the fraternities and soriities being very invovled in these competions make it very exciting and competive.
Sadly, fraternities and sororities are among the most popular student groups on campus and tend to eclipse many of the other student groups. But they are hardly the only student activities on campus: rock climbing, fencing, camping, dancing and of course, sports are all easily accessible to students on campus.
Sadly, fraternities and sororities are among the most popular student groups on campus and tend to eclipse many of the other student groups. But they are hardly the only student activities on campus: rock climbing, fencing, camping, dancing and of course, sports are all easily accessible to students on campus.
Greek life is definitely very prevalent on campus. I am currently involved with Kappa Delta sorority. Most people always lock their doors when leaving the room. Football games are everything here. Everyone loves football and love their tigers. Basketball and baseball aren't nearly as popular as football, but the students definitely go out and support those teams as well. Guest speakers usually have a pretty good turnout, but most organizations require a certain number of people to represent their group at a guest speaker. Plays put on by the Clemson Players are also pretty popular. They usually sell out of their shows. Being from the north, I was very surprised when guys actually offered to take me out on a date. The guys here are definitely southern gentlemen. I met one of my best friends during freshman orientation, I met my roommate through Facebook, and the rest are part of my sorority. If I'm awake at 2 am on a Tuesday, I am definitely studying. Orange Friday is one of my favorite traditions here. On Friday, the entire student body (and some teachers) wear orange to show their Clemson pride. Another tradition I highly enjoy is that on Friday, the dining hall has ice cream sundaes you can make. They're so good! Other traditions include Derby Days and Greek Week. They both revolve around Greek life and are highly anticipated events. This school has a great balance of social life and academics. During the week, it's usually very rare to hear of parties. I personally do not go out during the week and I don't know many people that do. On the weekends, there are usually frat parties. Last weekend, I went out to a frat party, watched a movie, and did some homework and studying. On a Saturday night there is a lot to do. The University shows movies in different places on campus. You can go bowling or play in the video arcade on campus. You can go out to dinner with some friends or just hang in and watch a movie. I usually travel off campus to go food shopping and I tutor and mentor elementary/middle school kids off campus.
Some of the most popular groups on campus are student government, FCA, and involvement in greek life. I'm involved in a few clubs that are related to my major. I'm most involved in the Dairy Science Club, we have a show team that shows heifers at county and state fairs, and we have conventions that help you meet potential employers and internships. I figured it would be good to get involved with something I couldn't do at home and dairy has filled that spot. I've lived on campus for the past 2 years, and everyone left there door open my freshman year, I lived in a living-learning community. This year i rarely feel the need to lock my door, but its not as "open" as my first year. I met my best friends my freshman year through that community and just through meeting people in my major and that lived in my building. The athletic events are huge events to go to, Clemson has very good teams, there are great concerts every semester. There is a performing arts center, but Clemson isn't a very musical/theater school in my opinion. The dating scene is really good, there are a lot of people at Clemson and if you're looking for someone chances are you'll have luck. I met my boyfriend this year, and we've been dating for 4 months, we met through mutual friends. I rarely see him during the day around campus for classes, which is kind of nice. There are many annual events at Clemson that students take part in like CU On Ice is a skating/winter festival they set up every year before christmas break. There is a lot of tradition involved in the chants and stuff like that at football games as well. If you want to party there's a party is how I see the party scene here. Every weekend some frat is having something, or people have house parties and bonfires, but its all what you make of it. If you choose to have a quiet night in you can and if thats not your thing you can find a place to go. Greek life is big on campus but you don't have to be involved to have a good time. Last weekend I was at a bonfire with some friends, and I had gone out to dinner before with another friend. On a Saturday night without drinking you can still go out, there are places downtown, and movie theaters not too far off campus, even the mall. Off campus we go out to eat, go shopping, hiking, exploring, there is a lot of pretty waterfalls and outdoorsy things to do.
The most popular student activities/groups include attending sporting events , particularly football and basketball. Many students are involved in the Fellowship of Christian athletes organization-in fact we have one of the largest in the country for colleges! Outdoorsy groups are also huge here, along with tons of community service orientated organizations.
The most popular activities at Clemson are clubs like FCA. Inter-mural sports are also very popular. Not a lot of students participate in Greek life but is an important group around campus. Every year the huge rivalry between Clemson and the University of South Carolina is played. Consequently, the sports are very popular. A lot of students are also spending a lot of time in the library. There are also research opportunities available to undergraduate students. If you're interested in something, it is very likely that you can become involved in it or you can start your own club.
Club sports and intramurals are huge, as well as spending time at the Hendrix student center or the Fike Recreation Center. Athletic events are huge, larger than guest speakers or theater. Fraternities and sororities are a predominant force on campus.
FCA is extremely popular on campus. It's the largest one in the nation and I will be involved with it.